Preventive Treatments

Ultrasonic Cleaning

Accumulation of deposits is a natural process that happens in all of us, these deposits as they become older become a niche for diesase causing bacterias to grow, so it is necessary that they are cleaned at regular intervals by getting ultrasonic scaling done by your dentist.

Benefits of Ultrasonic Cleaning of Teeth

  • Comforatble
  • Usually completed in single visit.
  • No damage to the tooth surface.
  • Clean & Bright Smmiles

Steps For Good Oral Health

Step 1

First get all the decayd teeth present treated !

Why to get all decayed teeth present treated together?
  • Once decay starts it progresses deeper into the tooth so delay in treatment results in increased treatment cost and time and may even result in tooth loss
  • Your toothpaste is ineffective in cleaning of the decayed cavities and decay spreads
  • Any missing tooth should be replaced with fixed bridge or denture so as to restore the efficiency to chew, maintain the alignment of your teeth, height of the face, fullness of the cheeks and to have a confident and beautiful smile
Step 2
  • Bacteria in plaque cause decay & gum pyorrhea
  • Plaque accumulates daily on tooth surface it consists of bacteria, and food debris over a period of time plaque hardens to form tartar
  • Plaque can be cleaned by brushing of teeth Tartar cannot be cleaned by a toothbrush it requires professional cleaning
How to maintain teeth cleaned ?
  • Brushing teeth twice daily (removes plaque)
  • Use of mouthwash twice daily (reduces plaque accumulation)
  • Professional cleaning once every year /six months (removes tartar and plaque)
  • Professional cleaning of the teeth should be done to remove the accumulated plaque and tartar from nooks and corners of teeth where brush does not reach
Ultrasonic Cleaning
  • Get rid of the stubborn stains, plaque and tartar on your teeth with the advanced ultrasonic scaling
  • Comfortable | Pain free | Requires only one or two appointments
  • Once your mouth is free of any active decay and removal of tartar you can then maintain the teeth with good home care and regular dental check ups
Effective home care includes Tooth Brushing Use of Mouthwash Flossing Proper Diet.
Regular check up in every six months and professional cleaning of teeth once every year is must !